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Skull Valley Fire Team 4 (SVFT4) End-of-Year Update


During the Fall, the SVFT4 volunteers have been busy training and maintaining.

Three SVFT4 volunteers spent 120 hours over 10 weeks training for EMT certification.  All completed and passed the extensive testing mid-December and have only to take the final National Registry of EMTs test to be fully certified.  A forth volunteer, previously trained, will take the National Registry test in January and a previously certified volunteer will obtain re-certification in January.  What does this mean?  It means that by the end of January, 2024, SVFT4 plans to announce it has six certified volunteer EMTs.

SVFT4 has purchased an additional automated external defibrillator (AED) cardiac emergency device.  In partnership with Vance and Kim Burck, the device is located in The Station coffee shop and is available to anyone experiencing a cardiac emergency during The Station opening hours.  In an emergency, or outside of The Station opening hours, call 911.

Emergency Dispatching:
SVFT4 is about to enter into a contract for professional dispatch services with the same provider that dispatches for all of our neighboring communities. This service will provide a more robust dispatch system and should mitigate the intermittent cell service issues experienced in the past.  The dispatch service uses radio communication through a network of local radio towers in addition to messages sent to all volunteer’s dedicated device app: I Am Responding.  I will announce the official cut-over date, but it is likely to be February 1, 2024 - sooner if we can.  There is no change if you are experiencing an emergency - call 911.

Station Work Day:
The next fire station work day is Saturday, December 30, beginning at 9:00 am. We will focus on sorting through the loft and office areas as well as setting up a new visual display.  And, of course, routine equipment checks and testing will be performed.  Feel free to stop by - coffee will be provided.

As we close in on the end of 2023 and welcome winter, SVFT4 would like to wish you all a safe and happy holiday season.

Mark Wood, President SVFT4.

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