Welcome to Skull Valley, AZ

Skull Valley is located in the North central part of Arizona, about 100 miles northwest of Phoenix, and 20 miles southwest of downtown Prescott. Skull Valley's elevation is 4,260 feet. The valley bottom slopes gently to the South and is surrounded by rolling hills. To the East, Spruce Mountain is at 7,693 feet and to the West, Martin Mountain is at 6,433 feet. The hills are covered with low-growing Oak and Manzanita. Mesquite, Cottonwood, and Desert Willow trees are plentiful on the valley floor, and there are Emory and White Oak trees along the creek beds. Pinon and Juniper trees grow at higher elevations. Fruit trees do well in Skull Valley, and there are still remnants of old orchards, as well as many newer ones.
Skull Valley's climate is considered semi-arid with annual rainfall of 12 to 14 inches. Most winter storms only leave a few inches of snow in the valley bottom, which soon melts. Heavier rains generally occur during July and August. May and June can get hot, but it moderates when the rains begin in July. Winter low temperatures seldom go below 15 degrees while summer high temperatures are frequently 95 degrees.

Courtesy Skull Valley Historical Society

Courtesy Skull Valley Historical Society

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